Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We cruised down the Oregon coast into California.

Oregon was so pure, relatively uncommercialized, and untouched. To get
into California you have to go through a checkpoint for fruits, veggies,
firewood, etc. That should be a hint. Then the coastline becomes dotted
with big houses and gates. Then the road veered away from the coast and
into plain, boring land. Oregon did a fantastic job of resisting

Something else I was suprised about in Oregon was the number of people
smoking. NC has nearly made smoking a felony but it was obvious it was
still ok in OR. I'm not a smoker but NC was once a huge tobacco state.

And now we are at Redwoods National Forest which is really a bunch of state
parks collectively working to protect the redwoods along with the federal
government. Thus far it is pretty cool. We got lucky and scored a
campsite under the redwoods. I'd prefer to not stay in campgrounds but
around national parks sometimes that is the best thing to do.

There is a chance to see/hear a spotted owl tonight (very rare) and there
are american dippers in the park. Dippers eat from the bottom of
streambeds. Yes, they dive under the water! How cool is that?

So tomorrow we'll see the redwoods and head north to crater lake national
park in Oregon. We've got to be in La Grande, OR on Thursday at 1pm for
the Eagle Cap Camper factory to do some customizing on the camper.

With no cell phone service here it looks like I will not be able to post
this until Wednesday. Oh well.

It's good to be gone.