Then, the largest surprise of the trip thus far, we ended up at Liberty Park just outside of New York, NY. This is where you ride a ferry to the Statue of Liberty. We didn't ride the ferry, but we took lots of photos of the area. I don't care much for large cities, however I must say NY is incredibly photogenic. In fact, I think one could take photos for weeks just from Liberty Park and not run out of subjects. There was also a partially restored central railroad terminal. We probably should've spent a little more time around it, but we were concerned about bring in NY at 5pm, on a Friday, in the rain, and trying to drive a giant truck camper around. A fear we later found to be well-founded. On one spot on the lawn there was two lines created that pointed to the site of the Twin Towers that fell in NY. The other end of Liberty Park was a great place to view the Statue of Liberty along with a nice flag display. This is where Liberation Monument is. More cell phone panoramas too! Obviously I'm amazed at the quality of the iphone's photos. These have no post-processing. If I had more time I could do so much more with them, but that's what the hundreds of photos we are taking with the SLR cameras are for I suppose.